A.I. Sattarova
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia, ang.satt.97@gmail.com
DOI: 10.36724/2664-066X-2020-6-5-12-20
SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 6, Number 5 (2020). P. 12-20.
Modern signals with a complex structure require technological equipment capable of evaluating many parameters that determine the signal quality. Therefore, in order to systematize the solutions existing on the market and their capabilities, a review was made of the solutions existing on the market for the synthesis and analysis of complex signals. The main parameters for assessing the quality of complex signals are considered, the characteristics of generators and analyzers of complex signals existing on the market are presented and their comparison is made according to the main consumer qualities. The article also describes the basic principles of generation and analysis of vector signals. The direction of increasing the significance of the software complex in systems for generating and analyzing signals and the advantages determined by this trend, such as an increase in the time of possible operation of equipment and an increase in versatility, which makes it possible to increase the economic efficiency of the used control and measuring equipment, are shown.
Keywords: vector analysis; vector synthesis.
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