Artem Dymkov,
Institute of Radio and Information Systems (IRIS), Vienna, Austria;
DOI: 10.36724/2664-066X-2024-10-4-51-62
SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 10, Number 4 (2024). P. 51-62.
The development of radio electronics, increasing reliability, reducing the dimensions and weight of devices is closely related to the development, study of properties and application of new materials. These include new ceramic and composite materials that can withstand high temperatures and successfully operate in aggressive environments. Ceramic materials are very diverse, each of them has its own unique chemical properties. They are very widely used in radio electronics and are promising for the development and improvement of designs of radio electronic devices. At present, industrial progress requires electronics to constantly increase the level of power, efficiency, reliability and durability. For modern devices, reliability under high currents and high temperatures is a key factor. The article analyzes the properties and advantages of various ceramic materials, their areas of application in radio electronics, and identifies promising areas of use.
Keywords: :ceramic materials, radio electronics devices, materials and components of radio electronics
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