Nawar Mohammad,
Al-Baath University, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

DOI: 10.36724/2664-066X-2024-10-1-32-38

SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 10, Number 1 (2024). P. 32-38.


Wireless sensor networks are a critical element of the Internet of Things and are widely used in various fields. Effective clustering is key to energy efficiency and network stability in wireless sensor networks. Optimize the density of clusters, their number and size to increase the stability and service life of the network – It is one of the tasks of clustering wireless sensor networks. Another problem – effectively organize the network topology in order to balance the load and extend the network lifetime. Clustering has proven to be an effective approach for organizing a network into a cohesive hierarchy. However, there are several key issues that affect the practical application of clustering methods in sensor network applications. These issues include the rationale for developing different clustering approaches, classification of proposed approaches based on their goals and design principles, and problems associated with clustering. K-means algorithm is one of the unsupervised machine learning methods for clustering tasks and is widely used in wireless sensor networks. This article proposes a modified K-means clustering algorithm that eliminates the shortcomings of the basic K-means algorithm. The modified algorithm increases network lifetime, reduces power consumption and improves network stability.

Keywords: efficient clustering, K-means algorithm, energy efficiency, stability, lifetime, wireless sensor networks


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