Denis Chivanov, Svetlana Dymkova
Institute of Radio and Information Systems (IRIS), Vienna, Austria,

DOI: 10.36724/2664-066X-2024-10-1-39-52

SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 10, Number 1 (2024). P. 39-52.


Every year people consume more and more data. This review contains a description of promising areas of 5G application and user loyalty in this area. Existing spectrum bands become congested, leading to service disruptions, especially when many people try to access network services at the same time. 5G is much better at handling thousands of syn-chronously connected devices. In smart cities, ultra-low latency in 5G networks critical for smart grids and connected infrastructure. Revolutionary areas for which 5G offers great promise include robotic surgery. The development of 5G help bring virtual and augmented reality to the masses, making technologies accessible to a wide range of users. Fast speeds and low latency will allow to fully immerse in VR/AR. Virtual reality is successfully used also in education, medicine, industry, military and aviation training. Issues of the сonsumer market evolution are always relevant, and the development of 5G networks will be no exception. In article we look at this topic from different points of view and also use data from Ericsson ConsumerLab, an exclusive research series tracking 5G consumer market evolution. The significance of 5G is not limited to technical specifications. This technology promises to be a driving force in the new industrial revolution, providing the basis for the digital renewal of industry and business, changes in the way big data is processed and the creation of new, innovative services and applications.

Keywords: 5G, consumer loyalty, innovative services, mobile communications, connected devices


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