Scientific research, based on international scientific and technical cooperation of researchers, PhD students and students in the field of radio and information systems.

We also provide various opportunities for publishing research results:

The Journal is published bimonthly since 2015.
The content of the publication directions is related to the study of the fundamental problems of synchronization, the formation and processing of signals in the field of communications, broadcasting, radar, radio navigation, radio control, including questions of practical use.
Problems of the implementation of devices and systems for synchronization, signal shaping and processing based on modern digital technologies (specialized processes, signaling processes, programmable logic integrated circuits, technological issues of equipment development and production.
The main headings of the journal:
Synchronization Systems and Devices;
Signal Generating, Processing and Shaping Devices.

The papers which are discussed on international scientific and engineering conferences can be divided into the following chapters:
– Synchronization Systems and Devices
– Signal Generating and Shaping Devices
– Signal Processing Devices
– Antennas and Radio Waves Propagation
– Navigation and Mathematical Algorithms
– Radiofrequency Applications
– Wire and Optical Communication
– Intelligent Transport Systems
– Acoustooptics and Acoustoelectronics
The chapters content is concerned with fundamental problems of communications, broadcasting, radar, radio guidance and radio control. The questions of the practical issues are also including.

We carry out a full cycle of works from the development of ideas to delivery of the finished edition.
Our main principles are high quality, efficiency of work and an individual approach to each client.
Layout of the book:
– Cover and book block design, graphic and font selection
– Layout of books, processing of illustrative material
– Professional editing and proofreading
– Gift editions
– Provision of ready-to-print kit on electronic media.
We make various books, incl. non-standard formats, soft or hardcover. For bookbinding, embossing, cutting or varnishing is possible.

Institut für Radio- und Informationssysteme – IRIS qualifies as an SME (PIC: 893403272)

Institute of Radio and Information Systems (IRIS) in Research Organization Registry (ROR)

ROR logo https://ror.org/04yy4tq26

ROR (Research Organization Registry) is a community-led registry of open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifiers for every research organization in the world. ROR is intended for use by the research community, for the purposes of increasing the use of organization identifiers in the community and enabling connections between organization records in various systems. Implementation of ROR IDs in scholarly infrastructure and metadata will enable more efficient discovery and tracking of research outputs across institutions and funding bodies.

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A Ringgold Identifier (Ringgold ID or RIN) is a persistent numeric unique identifier for organizations in the publishing industry supply chain. Ringgold’s Identify Database includes over 500,000 Ringgold IDs representing organizations and consortia who acquire scholarly publications and content. The Ringgold ID was introduced in 2003. Ringgold developed it in response to an issue raised by Oxford University Press, namely how to identify institutional subscribers unambiguously. The system is owned and administered by Ringgold, Inc. and Ringgold, Ltd., who also publish a taxonomy for classifying the subject interests of the listed organizations. Ringgold is an International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) registration agency, and as such the US National Information Standards Organization (NISO) recommended that Ringgold IDs be used to identify organizations involved in scholarly communications. Ringgold Identifiers are used by ORCID, to record the institutional affiliation of individual researchers.

Institute of Radio and Information Systems (IRIS) in Wikidata