Conrad Onesime Oboulhas Tsahat,
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique, Université Marien NGOUABI, Republic of Congo,
Teacher-researcher, Assistant professor,
Ngoulou A. Ndzeli,
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique, Université Marien NGOUABI, Republic of Congo,
Teacher-researcher, Assistant,
DOI: 10.36724/2664-066X-2024-10-1-2-7
SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 10, Number 1 (2024). P. 2-7.
The software testing topic is becoming more and more popular. This article discusses the software testing concept, software testing types, how it works and where it is applied. Software testing is the most important phase of the software development life cycle, so this article is about ensuring the quality of all software applications types by executing certain types of testing methods and streamlined software testing processes. The object of the work is the software testing process. The subject of the research is software testing and its life cycle. The purpose of the work is to review the software testing concept, testing types, software testing capabilities, software testing stages, as well as current state presentation of issue. The theoretical method was chosen as the research method. In this paper, an optimized testing process is considered, which considers all testing life cycle stages and also considers the testing types. The article describes the current state of issue. The work objectives have been achieved. The assigned tasks have been completed.
Keywords: Software testing, software, functional testing, performance and security testing, software testing methods, software testing life cycle, software development life cycle
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