A. A. Samokhvalov, Moscow Bauman State Technical University (the Kaluga Branch), Kaluga, Russia
SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 5, Number 5 (2019). P. 2-5.
The obtaining of most important statistical characteristics (such as distribution density of probabilities of phase-error, out-of-lock probability, variance of phase-error, out-of-lock mean time, mean time of transient process) of digital phase-lock loops problem using Markov chains is considered., Digital PLL proposed by Holmes [1], has been examined in this paper. The results of analytical solutions and computational modeling are being compared.
Keywords: synchronization, Markov chains, digital phase-locked loops.
[1] Holmes J.K. Performance of a first-order transition sampling digital phase-locked loop using random-walk models. IEEE Trans. 1972. Vol. COM-20, 2, pp. 119-131.
[2] Best, Roland. E Phase-locked loops: design, simulation, and applications. Roland E.Best. 3rd ed. 1997.
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