Synthesis of Structural Electrical Circuits of Radio Engineering Devices in a Hybrid Production Expert System

Georgy A. Dolin, Anastasiya Y. Kudryashova,
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia,,

DOI: 10.36724/2664-066X-2020-6-3-5-9

SYNCHROINFO JOURNAL. Volume 6, Number 3 (2020). P. 5-9.


The development of communication systems and devices requires full automation of their design process to quickly update the RED. Especially important is the development of software for the synthesis of basic electrical circuits. The article describes the algorithm of end-to-end CAD based on an expert system for the synthesis of basic electrical circuits of RED based on an object-oriented hybrid expert system. Algorithms for forming the knowledge base at the learning stage and output in the synthesis process are considered. The algorithmic and software hybrid production ES and knowledge base are described. The system organization of structured information about the synthesis of blocks and the entire RED. It allows you to effectively form and manipulate the knowledge of RED design experts. The method for introducing and using a set of constant and variable confidence coefficients in the ES has been developed, which allows using unformalized knowledge about the field of RTU design. This ensures the application of both the knowledge obtained during the training of the ES and the knowledge accumulated during the design of the RED of the ES itself. All this allows the designer to formalize knowledge faster and more accurately, as well as increase the speed of automatic design since unlikely circuit solutions are not considered.

Keywords: expert system, Radio Technical Devices, CAD, knowledge base, algorithmic structures


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